Friday, July 17, 2009

On Failure and Learning from Mistakes - Ryan Allis

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

– Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

Most people are afraid to fail. They worry constantly about not meeting expectations, making a mistake, or trying something new. Because of this, many never get started on the path toward reaching their goals.. and thus assure themselves of the very thing they are afraid of.. failure. In order to become a successful entrepreneur you will likely have to ‘pay your dues.' You'll likely have to fail a few times, learn from your lessons, and only then be able to come through a winner. While you don't have to take wild chances, you do have to take calculated and educated risks.

In the world of academics, mistakes are perceived as bad and to be avoided. For the first twenty-two years of your life, you are taught that mistakes are bad and embarrassing.. when in fact mistakes are simply opportunities to learn something new. The more mistakes a person makes, the more they will have learned and the greater chance they will have of succeeding on their next try. The key, however, is to learn from your mistakes and never make the same mistake twice.

Thomas Edison would have never invented the light bulb if he did not take this principle to heart. Edison failed more than 10,000 times before he found the filament that would create light for a sustained period of time. He did not view these as failures, however. On the 6,635th try to find a proper filament for the light bulb, Edison did not see himself has having failed 6634 times. He reframed the situation so that to him he had successfully eliminated 6,643 possibilities, refining and narrowing his search as he proceeded, drawing him closer and closer to his goal.

Two other failures you may have heard of are Levi Strauss and Christopher Columbus. Strauss headed for the gold mines of California in hopes of gold and glory. But he found none. Instead, this failure gave him new knowledge of a gap in the marketplace. He began selling pants out of canvas for the miners that were succeeding. Today, we've all heard of Levi Strauss jeans. Columbus failed miserably on his goal to find a route to India . However, in failing he ran into a new opportunity.. that of the new world. By taking action and learning from your mistakes and failures, you'll gain new knowledge and become aware of many new opportunities. When you come to the edge of what you know, it's time to make some mistakes.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Business Growth - Article by Michael Dylan

Once your business is up and running and things are going fine, you will start to look at how to grow. There are many ways to expand a good business, but first make sure you have your current circumstances under control. It makes no sense to start opening new stores if you are still struggling with customer service or accounting issues.. it would simply increase your worries.

Besides the usual marketing plan and good customer service that we already have installed for the organic growth of our business, here's a few more ways to kick start business growth.

Increase Products and Services Increase Products and Services
Look for opportunities to introduce new products and/or services that our current customers could use. Ask customers how you could help them or see if there are other products that they would be interested in purchasing from you. Improving or updating current products and services can also encourage growth.

Open New Stores or Buy Existing Businesses Open New Stores or Buy Existing Businesses
Depending on how much risk you are willing to take, purchasing existing businesses or opening new stores can be a fast track to massive business growth. It's important to digest new acquisitions before you end up biting off more than you can chew though. Too much growth can sometimes be just as stressful as a lack of growth, so be sure to consolidate after each purchase.

Going Online Going Online
Very few businesses cannot benefit from going online. The benefits will vary quite a bit, depending on your industry and the products or services you provide. If it is done properly, you may start to see your Internet profits catching up to and surpassing your bricks and mortar business!. The Internet is open 24 hours a day with millions of potential customers worldwide.

Franchise Franchise
Not every business is suitable to franchise, but if your business systems are in place and you are willing to put the work in to getting started as a franchiser it can be an excellent source of growth.

Look for New Types of Customers Look for New Types of Customers
Is your target market too specialized? If you cater to a niche market, look for ways of reaching out to a more diverse customer base. If your products cater to just women, look at ways to reach men also. If you have mostly young people using your services, look for opportunities to reach elderly customers. Some businesses cater to a very niche market and that's the reason for their success, but often with a little imagination you can increase your possible market.

The surest way to successful business growth is to know your business, know your products, and to know your customers. With confidence in these three aspects of business you will be more confident in making decisions when it comes to pursuing growth.

Take a Job or Make a Job- Ryan Allis

Are you considering being an entrepreneur? Are you considering starting a career? If so, it is good to know the pros and cons of each. The table below will help you learn the difference in roles and mindset between an entrepreneur and an employee.

Value wealth over job security

Can go months or years without payment

Long hours, especially during start-up

Potential for very large payoff

Build their own assets

Have a higer tolerance for risk

Own the company. Can only be fired by Board of Directors.

Sit behind the desk when interviewing

Are willing to take calculated and educated risks

Build systems for benefit of themselves

Pay taxes only on NET income

Build assets and then use them to purchase other assets

Build passive and portfolio income, taxed lowest

Invests from the inside

Can start other similar companies

Adapt quickly to change

Often have to dedicate yourself fully during start-up stages. Hard to raise a family and start a high-potential venture.

Have access through their businesses to much larger credit limits

Financial security once venture succeeds

Can become wealthy at young age

Have a bias toward action

Create the systems

Decides who to hire and who they work with

Have freedom to control direction of their company

Are able to use all of their skill sets

Rarely do the same thing two days in a row

Work on building assets so they’ll never need a 401(k) or pension

Make money when they sleep

Value job security over wealth

Receive consistent paycheck

Regular, consistent hours

Constant but relatively low payment

Work to build someone else’s asset

Do not like risk

Could be fired at any time

Sit in front of the desk when interviewing

Adverse to risk

Build systems for benefit of employers

Pay taxes on total income

Do not build assets.

Build active income, taxed the highest

Invests from the outside

Restricted by non-disclosure and non-compete agreements

Often resist change

Have time to do other things besides work—such as raise a family or take up hobbies.

Much harder to obtain significant credit

Will have to follow strict saving and investment plan to reach financial security by retirement

Will not become financially secure while still young

Often have a bias toward passing the bill

Have to deal with the bureaucracies created by intricate systems of the companies they work for

Have little say over who they work with

Have little say over the direction of their company

Use only a small portion of their abilities

Often have repetitive jobs

Work on building 401(k) or pension

Make money only when they are working
Hopefully the table above has given you some insight into the different characteristics of entrepreneurs and employees. It is a difficult choice to make for many. Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose to work for someone else for a few years to gain knowledge, contacts, and capital. Others feel that the best way is to start out as an entrepreneur and have the advantage of quite a few years of learning over their peers. Whichever you decide, just make sure that the choice is the one that is right for you, not just the one that everyone wants you to make.